Thursday, January 21, 2010


An 80 minute musical dance drama, set in the period before the coming of the white man to Matebeland.
Silakho showcases the story of the collapse of the Ndebele state. with no demobilisation benefits, ex-Ndebele fighters, rank and file found them selves dispossessed , unemployed, helpless and desperate.
They tracked into the white man's towns to find employment as servants for their colonial masters' wives even against their pride so they could pay taxes; dog taxes, head tax etc.
Green pastures lure these men to Egoli (Wenela) place of gold and possible riches, leaving home promises of marriage.
The play culminates with a Ndebele traditional wedding ceremony as these men return from eGoli to ask their fiancees' hand in marriage, and a celebration of Ndebele traditional music and dance
Silakho has a cast of 30 people.
Written and produced by Bekezela Dube.